10/06/06 praha, motoráj (w/in articulo mortis, apocryphal death, unborn, interitus)
04/10/06 praha, kain (w/unborn, in nomine)
14/04/07 praha, modrá vopice (w/halalí, bonesaw of the brains, big yellow day)
05/05/07 dobříš, rock hole (w/death revival)
22/06/07 praha-chodov, klub blanice, 20:00 (w/enemy soil east, gibbet)
27/06/07 praha, matrix, 20:30 (w/enemy soil east, clytor)
18/10/07 praha, bordo, 19:30 (w/putrescence (can), bestial devastation (ita), psychotic despair (cz))
01/11/07 praha, xt3 (w/inner hate, unborn)
12/12/07 praha, matrix (wolfride fest, vol.1 - w/avenger, nameless gathering, enemy soil east)
29/03/08 praha, kain (w/xxxx, dysmorphia)
17/05/08 plzeň, divadlo pod lampou (w/inner hate, grind 6.4)
14/06/08 praha, exit chmelnice (w/abstract essence, beltaine, mindwork)
18/07/08 praha-chodov, blanice (w/enemy soil east, octagone, grind 6.4)
12/09/08 praha-kbely, klub útulek (w/gibbet)
08/11/08 praha, bunkr-parukářka (w/clytor, enemy soil east, úl...!)
22/11/08 polička, divadelní klub (w/bloody work, tortharry)
05/12/08 praha, kain (w/inner hate, mortiffilia)
29/12/08 praha, matrix (w/the stone, panychida, enemy soil east)
28/02/09 praha, exit cmelnice (wolfride fest, vol.3 - w/depresy, alienation mental, cutterred flesh)
06/06/09 praha, matrix (w/katarze, dalgoreth, inner hate, narzergorth, legion)
20/06/09 rokycany, na spartě (w/inner hate, promises)
30/10/09 praha, kain (wolfride fest, vol. 4 - w/asmodeus, laniena mentis, the rays of the sun)
21/11/09 varnsdorf, hell (w/be fading fast, laniena mentis, the rays of the sun)
19/12/09 praha, exit chmelnice (w/clytor, dkv, enemy soil east, inner hate, mindwork, poppy seed grinder, smashed face)
12/02/10 praha, exit chmelnice (w/belligerence, clytor, blasphemer, psychotic despair)
27/11/10 klatovy, střelnice (w/asmodeus, mortifilia)
11/12/10 praha, exit chmelnice (metal evening party, vol. 3; w/amon, animal hate, bajonet, deathstar, heaving earth, mortifilia, poppy seed grinder, psychotic despair)
25/03/11 praha, exit chmelnice (temple of lemple, vol. 2, w/isaacarum, ingroving, 7sins, brutally deceased, clytor)
15/04/11 praha, motoráj /lights of the night/ (w/promises, the rays of the sun, in the shadows)
28/10/11 praha, exit-us /wolfride fest, vol.5/ (w/promises, coward, sebastian)
12/05/12 praha, exit-us /metal evening party, vol. 4/ (w/7 sins of surviving, clytor, heaving earth, neurotic machinery, war ensemble)
23/06/12 brno, brooklyn /the night of demons, vol. 25/ (w/amon, fatality)
30/06/12 mladá boleslav, farářova sluj (w/minority sound, rotgor)
28/07/12 borkovany /woodstock open air, vol. 10/ (w/shadow area, visací zámek, porta inferi,
pumpa, malignant tumour, ad)
06/09/12 praha, modrá vopice /one more strange night/ (w/gibbet)
24/11/12 praha, exit-us /wolfride fest, vol. 6/ (w/all friends dead, anger inside, madafaka)
23/04/13 praha, modrá vopice /last mor(t)al barrier (w/rotgor, kaar, goatbastards)
14/06/13 praha, exit-us /dark side of the sound/ (w/kruton, corvus infernus)
17/10/13 praha, exit-us /welcoming the autumn/ (w/clytor, deathstruck)
21/11/14 praha, exit-us wolfride fest, vol. 7 (w/all friends dead, goatbastards)
13/03/15 žamberk, pivovar, kanec fest (w/shatter, mean messiah)
14/03/15 praha, exitus, 15 let pikodeath (w/pikodeath, goadbastards, 7sins of surviving)
17/09/15 praha, klub fatal (w/formace043)
09/10/15 praha, exit-us, wolfride fest, vol.8 (w/asmodeus, sebastian)
27/11/15 praha, exit-us, fórty fucking party (w/narchost, infernal blaze)
19/12/15 praha, modrá vopice, kozy pod stromeček (w/goatbastards, + )
23/04/16 sekeřice, lmb open air xi
09/08/17 praha, kain (w/dna)